Commencement time:2001-5-1
Completion time:2003-11-5
Introduction:Pingcang Segment of
Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Expressway is a part of trunk line of Tongjiang-Sanya
national highway. It is located at the middle section of main skeleton highway
along the coast in our county, and one of the important highway trunks in
Zhejiang. The total length of the lot is 4.98km, mainly including six bridges
(two grand bridges and four large bridges). The total length of the bridge is
2309.77m, including Hengyang River Grand Bridge of 825.987m, Aodi Grand Bridge
of 505.24m, Xinluxi Large Bridge of 145.08m, Shanxia Large Bridge of 357.24m,
Houlong No.1 Bridge of 258.49m and Houlong No.2 Bridge 217.04m. A maintenance
channel at the toll station, three drainage culverts at the spoil ground, four
slab culverts, two channels, excavation of 816,300m3, filling of 611,500m3 and
52,985 cement mixing piles.